Burning Mouth Syndrome

10 Effective Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome

Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning tongue is a syndrome characterized by a constant burning sensation in the tongue and mouth. The pain may be severe or can exist for several days. However, the inside layer of the mouth appears clinically normal. It is also known as Burning Mouth Syndrome, glossodynia, scalding mouth syndrome, oral galvanism, stomatodynia and stomatopyrosis. There are exploring a wide range of treatment options and looking for safe and effective treatments in recommendation medications, complementary medicine, natural therapies and Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome.


Burning Mouth Syndrome is a painful condition. It is describe by a painful burning sensation in the mouth, affecting the tongue, cheeks, palate, gum and lips. Burning mouth syndrome can affect a exacting part of the mouth or the whole mouth.


Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning tongue is a syndrome in which an individual has a burning sensation in their mouth. The pain spreads to the lips, tongue, the inner part of the cheeks and to approximately all areas of the mouth. This may be caused due to different types of nutritional deficiencies, but most often, the causes of Burning Mouth Syndrome are unknown. The Symptoms of Burning Mouth Syndrome are a burning sensation all over the mouth, dryness and sourness in the mouth, loss of taste, an increase in thirst, and other eating or oral-related conditions. The eating of a proper diet and some Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome and Burning Mouth Syndrome Natural Treatment can be followed to overcome this syndrome.

Natural Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome

There are many Home Remedies for Burning Mouth Syndrome that you can utilize to treat dry mouth, so do not look somewhere also just look around your home and you will find something to get rid of dry mouth. Here is a look at 10 of effective Burning Mouth Syndrome Home Remedies.


Sip Lemon Juice

Lemon juice can stimulate the production of saliva, which is necessary to reduce dry mouth symptoms. Mix the juice of half a lemon with a small bit of honey. Sip it during the day to keep your body and your mouth hydrated. This is an effective Natural Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome for dry mouth and the lots of symptoms that accompany it.

Sip Lemon Juice
Sip Lemon Juice

Chew Ginger

It has the ability to efficiently stimulate saliva production and keep your mouth feeling fresh for a longer period. Simply cut a small piece of fresh ginger and gradually chew it. Do this sometimes a day to fight symptoms of dry mouth.

Chew Ginger
Chew Ginger

Sucking on Ice Chips

Lots of people who suffer from burning tongue find that putting chips or cubes of ice in their mouth and letting it melt can provide short-term reduction for burning tongue. Some individuals also relies on chewing gum to reduce burning the tongue in a short time. Try chewing a flavor that is not mint or cinnamon.

Sucking on Ice Chips
Sucking on Ice Chips

Rub Grapeseed Oil

With the help of your fingers, rub some grapeseed oil on your tongue and the inner part of your cheeks. Leave it the whole night and clean your mouth with warm water in the morning. After this, brush your teeth.

Rub Grapeseed Oil
Rub Grapeseed Oil

Triphala And Babool Decoctions

Burning Mouth Syndrome Herbal Treatment with Gargling with a decoction prepared of the ayurvedic herb, Triphala, is an excellent home remedy for burning tongue. This is said to be cooling for the tongue.

Triphala And Babool Decoctions
Triphala And Babool Decoctions

Deficiency of Vitamin B

Deficiency of B vitamins can affect the tissues of your mouth and tongue, leading to burning mouth syndrome. Include natural sources of this nutrient in your diet. Some good sources consist of whole-grain breads and cereals, wheat germ, bran, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, salmon, oats, bananas, avocados, turkey and liver. Otherwise, you can take a daily supplement of vitamin B complex.

Deficiency of Vitamin B
Deficiency of Vitamin B

Cayenne Pepper

This makes it one of the best Natural Treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome. All you have to do is press a small amount of ground cayenne pepper with a wet finger and rub it around your tongue. It will burn for a little while, but your salivary glands will get stimulated.

Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne Pepper

Glycerin Reduce Burning Sensation

Glycerin can also decrease the burning sensation and relieve the affected area. It reduces dryness in the mouth, one of the cause for burning mouth syndrome. Dab your tongue with vegetable glycerin. Allow it to sit for as long as you can, then wash your mouth with cool water. Repeat some times a day.

Glycerin Reduce Burning Sensation

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds stimulate the flow of saliva to hydrate the mouth. They also refresh the taste buds and have a refreshing flavor that helps to get rid of bad breath.

Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds

Nutritional Diet

Iron-rich food like dates, sesame seeds, bran flakes, and cashew nuts can also be taken. Also, diet with juices, leafy vegetables, food rich in vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12, zinc, etc can decrease the burning mouth syndrome.

Nutritional Diet
Nutritional Diet

Author by: Herbs Solutions By Nature

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