
10 Natural Remedies for Melasma That Have Been Proven To Work

Natural Remedies for Melasma

Just imagine how your life would be on the off chance that you were free of the dark patches on your skin. The of being confident about your skin tone is something all women suffering from Melasma want to experience. The bother of utilizing stacks of foundation, the misery of missing special occasions and the dread of looking awful without foundation can make women feel wretched about their lives. Melasma causes dark patches to form on the facial area. Treatments like chemical peels and laser treatments are available to help get rid of this skin condition, but Natural Remedies for Melasma such as aloe vera gel are also effective.

Causes of Melasma

Melasma is common among pregnant women and those taking birth control pills and utilizing hormone replacement therapies. Patches of melasma frequently happen on the cheeks, nose, brow and upper lip.

Research has not confirmed the exact Cause of Melasma. Several factors trigger the formation of dark patches on the fac. Some of these include the accompanying:

  • Prolonged exposure to the sun can trigger melasma.
  • Hormonal vacillation is the leading cause of melasma in many individuals. It happens when the hormone estrogen fortifies the formation of pigmentation, causing dim, blotchy and uneven fixes on the face.
  • Genetic predisposition is another reason melasma to show up on the skin.
  • Use of oral contraceptives, medications, for example, antibiotic medication and quinine may likewise trigger the development of pigmentation on the skin.


Herbal Treatment for Melasma

Natural cures are the best way to help those agony from melasma. Some of the best Natural Remedies for Melasma are lemon juice, oats and oil mixture, honey and almond paste, turmeric and aloe vera.

These cures are best since they are non toxic and they don’t cause any side effects. Natural Cures for Melasma have another advantage as well. They can be utilized easily and speed for more severe cases. Melasma can be caused by a variety of reasons and it can be dealt with through a huge number of routes also. In this article, we will explore a some of the best Natural Remedies for Melasma.

Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another great approach to cure melasma normally. Lemon has citrus extract. Citrus extract is useful for helping the skin and enhancing the composition. You have to gather the juice of a fresh lemon in a holder. Apply the newly crushed lemon juice onto the influenced area and abandon it on for 30 seconds. At that point wash the juice off the skin. This expels the dark brown spots effectively.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains compounds that helps the dark brown spots and gradually blurs them. Fresh aloe gel ought to be connected on the marks and left overnight. Then point washed in the morning took after by moisturization. We can also mix honey to it and wash off following 15 minutes.



Apply slices of cucumber or its juice on the dark spots and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash off and saturate. It must be applied regularly to see great outcomes and it will gradually lighten the skin and remove marks.



Add some rose water to sandalwood powder to make a glue. This ought to be connected on the skin and left for 20 minutes.

Glycerin Rose Water and Honey

Glycerin Rose Water and Honey

Mix glycerin, rose water and honey in equal quantity. Apply this mixture to the affected skin each night. Give it a chance to remain on 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. Herbal Treatment for Melasma is extremely effective in fading dark spots and giving a natural glow. It is also has moisturizing properties and is best for those with dry skin sorts.

Turmeric Paste

Turmeric Paste

Another good Herbal Treatment for Melasma is turmeric. Turmeric is effective in curing melasma because it contains cell reinforcement and skin whitening properties. You should mix about 8 tablespoons of turmeric to about half a cup of milk. Add some flour to the mixture in order to thicken it. Leave the mixture on for about 30 seconds and then wash it off. This turmeric paste is very effective as a Natural Treatment for Melasma.

Onion Juice

Onion Juice

Apply onion juice mixed with equal amounts of apple cider vinegar. Apply it on the skin with a cotton ball and abandon it for quite a while till it becomes scarce and afterward flush. Then again pulverize some onion seeds and apply to the marks and wash once it dries up.



Mash some oatmeal and mix honey to form a paste and apply it on the skin. Leave this cover for 30 minutes and rinse to remove all the dead cells and lessen marks from the skin.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter

This should be massaged onto the pigmentation spots to lighten them. It must be applied every day to get successful outcomes.

Mint Leaves

Mint Leaves

The juice of fresh mint leaves are applied on blemishes and discolored skin to enable it to recover its unique color. It acts as an astringent too.

Home Remedies for Melasma

There are a few traditional Natural Remedies for Melasma, and your dermatologist can help you decide which are best for you. But if you want to try a more natural approach, this Home Remedies for Melasma could be a good start.

  • Wear a hat to protect your face when you go outdoors during the day. As well, use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher on any exposed skin.
  • Include white meat like chicken and lots of seafood in your diet.
  • Eat foods that are rich in folic acid, for example dark leafy greens like spinach; whole grains like brown flour and rice; green vegetables like asparagus and broccoli and lots of fresh fruits.
  • Enhance your utilization of foods containing copper, for example coffee, almonds and avocados.
  • Avoid waxing, as it can irritate your skin and cause increased melanin production leading to melasma.
  • Waxing causes skin inflammation which can worsen melasma. Therefore, it is best to avoid waxing those areas of the body affected by melasma.
  • Skin care products that contain harsh chemicals can trigger melasma or make it worse if it already exists.

By: Herbs Solutions By Nature

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